Hey John... Where did you find that 350 vibration mount? I know a bunch of people that are looking for those and they are out of stock everywhere. The gimbal looks good. I'd like to get a first hand look at it. Is that what has the brushless servos you were talking about Sunday? ...Tiger
Thank you John. The brushless servos are Futaba BLS156HV (Servo Database Spec Page Link). I'm also using a brushless servo in my 1/8 scale on road car, that one is a torque monster model Futaba BLS157HV (Servo Database Spec Page Link). The 350 QX vibration mount isn't built to carry as much weight as I'm loading it up with. I need to get some stiffer rubber balls or increase the number of balls which may not be possible due to the shape of the 350 QX mount plates. I will bring the hexacopter on Sunday so you can see it, maybe you will have some ideas on how to stiffen up the mount. I got the 350 QX vibration mount at Al's Hobby in Medford.
Al's!!! I was just over there and didn't even ask for an update on availability, because I knew they wouldn't have it. Bummer!!! Looking forward to seeing that on Sunday. Seems like you've been working on it forever. Glad it's working out finally. I'll look up those servos. Brushless should be really reliable. ...Tiger
Just took a look at your "brushless" servo on the Futaba site. Check out the picture below of the motor. This is not "brushless" in the sense we all were probably thinking. This looks more like a "stepper motor". That's still "brushless" technically, but certainly not what I expected. Boy... I also saw the price of these things. Yikes!!!! That isn't what I was expecting either. To control these servos, are you just plugging into the NAZA servo outputs or do you have some other kind of controller? ...Tiger
The label on that servo says BLS351 and I have BLS156HV and BLS157HV, but maybe you meant the motors are the same since I see they call this BLS351 brushless also. The amount of wires going to it also looks to me like it is a stepper and not a AC brushless type like I was thinking too. Yes, they were a little more expensive than regular servos but I wanted something that would be as maintenance free and long living as possible. The jury is still out on those expectations though. I do have these plugged directly into the Naza without any additional controller. They are being fed from whatever BEC the Naza has and using the single 6400 mAh 3S LiPo that is powering everything. I've yet to test how the gimbal with these servos affect my flight times. I won't be doing any of those long distance flights with the gimbal power up until I figure that out.
The Futaba website just showed that one generic picture and then you clicked below it for details on the particular model you were interested in. I'm sure they all share the same motor. ...Tiger
Do you think the torque specification for the different models is done with the same motor? One is 291 oz-in. and the other is 513 oz-in.
If it's not the same motor, it's no doubt the same technology. Usually when you see super high torque, you'll find the speed is much slower so it's geared down to get the torque. I don't know which ones you're talking about, but if it's in the same case size, look at the speed. They can also run the motor harder or a combination of the two. Sometimes it's just about marketing. More torque usually brings more money no matter how you get it. ...Tiger
The gearing made sense to me too but then I looked up the specs again and saw the higher torque one was slightly faster. Maybe it is just marketing.