If the rest of the parts for my Hyper 10SC short course truck arrive this week I am planning to go to the place on Spalding (see link below) this weekend, probably Saturday, October 1st. The place has a huge concrete foundation and also has a very large area of dirt with a nice dirt mound to jump. Just nearby is also a small pond (see the map) that might be cool for small boats, but I don't know if rc boats are allowed so don't hold me to that. I will post again later in the week if the parts I need arrive to confirm my plans. Would anyone else care to meet up? MAP: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=42.430552,-123.286707&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&z=17
I would be down. I need to go down to R/C Addiction and see if they have a front bulkhead in stock for my buggy. I'm waiting on parts for my Hyper and Losi which should be in next week. I'll let you know Thursday if they come through.
I need parts also and I am hoping that they come tomorrow. That will give me time to install and setup my truck. Let's keep each other up to date as the week progresses. The weather looks like it may be cloudy but they are not saying rain yet and cooler works better for me anyway.
Sorry, got my threads crossed. ??? OK, let me know. My parts arrived this afternoon so I just need to install them and make some adjustments.