5.8 video transmission can get interesting. Thanks for posting the pictures of the antennas broken down. Sooner or later, I would have probably ruined a set, to see inside. There seems to be quite a mix of ideas with 5.8, so do your home work, before, you add, or start mixing things. To make it worse, they don’t always post the specs. First problem. Antenna connections. One company likes SMA, the other RP-SMA. Not a big deal, a simple gender changer takes care of that. Of course they also mislabel the antennas. Next with the circular polarization. Right hand/ Left hand. Again, some like one, and some the other. Both work, but if you mix them, you have nothing. Again, it isn’t always mentioned in the ad. Now the real stinker. Frequency’s of different brands. There appears to be 32 standard frequencies. Ranging from 5.6 up to 5.9, broken down into A, B, E, and F or RF1, RF2, RF3, and RF4. With the 8 channel systems, one company will pick 8 frequencies, and another other company will pick a different set. Mix companies, and you are out of luck. ( a 32 channel receiver will work with any ) Not a brand name thing, just a miss match of frequencies . Be Sure to check the available frequencies before you wave the credit card! You may find that new transmitter will not talk to the receiver. Ask me how I learned all of this. Larry
Yes, we had that here too but no flying. I spent my time catching up on spring odd jobs around the place.
I'll likely take it down to the school this coming weekend, I hope. There are people that use the track occasionally when I fly so I'll need a spotter along, hopefully my son can come along and keep an eye out for me..
We could use another week (at least) of nice weather. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on your 5.8 Ghz FPV rig after you get some more flying in.
I thought you folks down there were in a drought and need more rain. I had mentioned before about installing the legs on the quad for clearance for the camera and gear. Well I find that when using my "heli pad" the legs of the quad settle into it enough that on take off I've nearly dumped it over a couple times. It's not an issue when I hit the throttle and jump off the ground but is sure is for a slow lift off.
If this is a drought I wonder what they call rain. Well, actually it did clear up last night and we went and did some night flying with the GAUI 500X. I just love the way that quad flies. I can't remember what you are using for landing gear. Did you mount the helicopter skids?
I thought you had some 450/500 size helicopter skids? Maybe I'm mixing it up with Tiger's 450. Those landing gear look good, but I can imagine they could sink into your helipad mat, or the earth for that matter. I saw some very interesting landing legs on a heavy lift octacopter. They were like the nose gear on a fighter airplane, you know with the elbow-like action with a damper? I'm sure they were trying to avoid shock to the expensive RED Epic camera gear, but a smaller version would be nice on any multi rotor. I'm still looking for someone to come up with some decent retractable landing gear for multirotors. All the ones I'v seem simply lift the same old stilt landing legs to the side. There has got to be a better way to do this.