I might be able to bring the 5ive to B street today,what time ya gonna head out? And the ladeana jumps are serious,very serious. Bring spare...
Yeah that skopod kit is ok. But if I were to go brushless with the 5ive I would go rc madness,its way sicker and doesn't use the castle esc which...
I'm here guys.
What times everyone gonna be out there?
I just got my slash put together,i may have my rc10gt ready to go and I'm tryin to free up the rear bearings on my 5ive and I plan to bring em all...
I have access to the new hope spot,just let me know when you guys wanna go and i can set it up with the land owner.
Got to run my losi 5ive this last semi sunny day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBU5Jy5A4CI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Were you by any chance at a crawlin comp before you left Oregon?
This is way tougher then a revo and flies way better,I have jumped mine 10'+ and landed on every corner and barely caused some play. OneĀ thing...
Lol 4S would rip that thin apart. It takes 1/10 motor and in this thing you don't need much but 4pole is a must. Also the ten t electric is one...
That's Alrite with me,I'm down for some good ol backyard fun if possible? I only have a slash runnin at the moment so you guys can have a blast...
I'll be Here til sun down
If anyone still interested in coming out today I'm here.
Gonna be there in about 20 minutes.
Welcome blt4speed! You may know me as eat me roost off the other site or just Jason from the last 2 or 3 kfalls races. Glad to have ya on this...
I'm down! I'll for sure have the gasser runnin by then.
Now that's a proper charging station for any electric rc enthusiast. That dude sure knows his shit.
I saw that days ago. Looks the dude had way too much time and meth on his hands.
Lol the driveway isn't the best place to park there. When I organize a meet there's a opening to the field the land owners want us to use. No...
Right on,what ya think? Where did you park?
Separate names with a comma.