Bret-that looks like alot of fun.Nice job on the Mix.Are you getting your chain/sprocket set from Scott=100.00 for an o-ring chain and steel...
do you meen next Saturday?...I hope so
last Saturday=Quarts Creek-Merlin Oregon ;D...
I am going to try to be there.
GPS= GOING TO TRY FOR SURE!= My tc3 is ready for a few test laps...has any one seen the OFNA RALLY FOR SALE ON CRAIGS LIST?=I wonder what they...
Joe Stagg-Stagg Plumbing (same)-I went to Quarts Creek in Merlin last Saturday,and plan on going to Johns Peak Tuesday after this one.I am doing...
I hope you can get some video :D = so I don't miss it all ;)
Looks like I'm not going to make it to Harbek/South Middle School tomorrow- sorry...dirtbike's calling-off to Quarts Creek, in Merlin=BRAAP! :P
Is that the top of the hill,that the fire fighters rolled the side by side off of? If so, I think I was up there 2 years ago.Do you know "Every...
I 'll make it -bringing my nitroTC3 and Slash 4x4 :D
I got to meet Means2k and GPNate,a couple of very cool fellows, from the Grants Pass Region.We bashed the Hoover Ponds until about 4:30pm.There...
GPNATE'S E-REVO :eek: [media] ------------------Today at the Hoover Ponds, in White City ;D NOTE: Fixed the YouTube link - admin.
I will be at the gate for the "ponds" at 12:30pm= Green Toyota T-100 x cab see ya! -Sean
IT WOULD BE A GREAT SPOT FOR THAT 1/5 SCALE TOO = (HINT,HINT) blast it w/ an air compressor(?)...and JROCKS Revo's. right now I am still working...
we could find a few dry spots at the Hoover /"White City Ponds"...there's some open area and some decent jumps there too.It is out off of HWY 140,...
what are you running GPNate?
right now all I have is my Brushless Slash, w/ 3 LIPO's and a factory pack (shattered my 1/16 chassis)...maybe JROCK has a spot here in Medford...
I have a couple of things to do today, BUT...if I can get in on something today,let me know (vacation ;D ) or GP
thank you for your time and efforts John-many blessings to you and yours=Merry Christmas
flag it-I'll help you beat it in...I have family that live off of New Hope
Separate names with a comma.