Unfortunately no, the space available is just to small to support large rigs, heck it will be tight with 1/8th rigs on it. If it was feasible I...
Believe me were are all hoping! This track will be large enough to sustain 1/8th scale racing and still be friendly to the 1/10th crowd so that...
The "plan" for the dirt will be a mix of clay/sand/topsoil in that order similar to what we have in J-ville. The tire of choice has been an M4...
Think I did this once before. Some I still have, some have gone to make room for new projects 8) I won't post pictures of everything since it...
If not Stormer then RPP usually has them for $102 with free shipping.
Well if your silly enough to buy things direct from AMB then yes you need the hybrid, if you go into any of the local shops or even search online...
There may be lighting later but that is to come. Bartle did sign the lease and is in process of purchasing sleads.
That is the new location and they will be moving the entire operation to the new building. Not pretty, but year round racing is going to be nice.
True at times, but so far in this thread I have yet to belittle or namecall on anyone till the hatchet was thrown down. As far as tools, garden...
They leak from the shaft seal just like the stockers.
. Remember though that's a full brushless conversion your buying, not just a radio upgrade. And to tiger I didn't realize it mattered that much...
$50 Is DIRT cheap for a set of shocks. The Gmade shocks also put up with a bunch of abuse, but to be honest they leak worse than the stockers. ...
Is it AM or 2.4? If it's AM than any wire will suffice and length is not the issue. If it's 2.4 you first need to see if it's coax, if it isn't...
Wow, Hope you bring that attitude if I ever get the pleasure to meet you. 8)
Yes Sir it will be going this year as normal, We don't normally start up until April since that's when the weather Gods start playing nice.
Any amb transponder will work with this system. Heck our house transponders are the old battery powered ones and still to this day (about six...
We've been racing lately, haven't been crawling much.
Agreed Wood. Ehh! lol
Separate names with a comma.