8) Hell yeah this truck rocks! put maybe 30 minutes on the stock motor and put my OBR 27.2 FM +3 LR in it and took it out and put a full tank thru it check it out. And now with the new pipe The bartolone pipe installed and I gotta give a shoutout thanks to ocbaja and Chris bartolone for producing one bad a$$ lookin and sounding pipe! And it got here when they said too. All mounted up So anyone else got one? Let's go run em,where's a good spot? Some vids http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid1143.photobucket.com/albums/n636/Mr_crawl/VIDEO0137.mp4 http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid1143.photobucket.com/albums/n636/Mr_crawl/VIDEO0142.mp4 http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid1143.photobucket.com/albums/n636/Mr_crawl/VIDEO0138.mp4
Also the 1st and 3rd vids are at the soon to be trqck spot,shootin for a 1/8 track and 1/10 sc. If anyone is down to help build let me know so we can plan a build n bbq day.
As of when you and I talked there just aren't really any tracks that are general public around here at the moment. I am however up for a day of building, let me know when and were I can bring my tractor down to build. And as far as I know your the only one in right about 120 miles that has a fiveT.
Hey all. Took my losi out at the track spot yesterday and added about 15lb of mud to the truck. It scooted fairly good with the stock motor and bartolone pipe. Been chatting with gareth over at BZM-micro and I'm gonna be ditching the weed eater zenoah and cy motors and getting a reed block bzm 28.5 RC motor. Pushes over 8hp at 20,000+ rpm Here is a dyno vid http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=WPhOgXcdveA Let me know your guys thoughts
Ooooohhh!! That's jus the motor I need for my 1/4 scale jet boat project! Can you put a link/info up on where to get one of these? How much $$$?
Lol your gonna shit yourself. It's a bzm-micro 28.5cc reed motor and tgndistributing.com has am for just under $900 You could also buy direct @ bzm-micro.com