Maybe they just don't want to be left out of the media frenzy. Can't be serious! If it lands here, I'm keeping the package and the drone. ...Tiger
Tiger this is actually great news! I'm going to order a $3.99 book, have it delivered and throw a towel over the drone when it arrives. Check it out, it looks like eight Tiger Motors on there that I can put to good use!
They can't leave anything alone! Everyone has to get their fingers in the pie. It's a shame they don't have anything important to work on.
Senate hearing...that's pretty pathetic for sure. Good to see our elected officials have their priorities sorted out. By the way, since Amazon pitched drone delivery everybody wants to ride the media crazy train: I can't wait to see how many of these these "drones" get hijacked and never return-to-home. Like I said, those motors (at least) look pretty good to me.
I figure riots will break out everywhere with people running to scavenge for parts. I'm sure we'll have to have some new government agencies to deal with this. How about the "Drone Police" or the "Drone Squad"! That's what we'll call them. Perfect opportunity to expand Homeland Security. I wonder if we'll have a new tax for this or if we'll just borrow the money from China? Probably borrow the money and then institute the Drone Tax later. Yep... Soon we'll be reading about the Drone Cartel, LiPo laundering, and the new black market. When we see something on TV about "Illegals", they'll be talking about ESC's and brushless motors. This is really going to be exciting! ...Tiger
I like the "Drone Squad" best. They should wear bell bottom pants and drive Novas. You know what? If I get my hands on a Amazon drone I will finally be able to answer the question "How high does it go?".
Lets not leave anyone out of the big media coverage! ...Tiger
That's funny! Maybe we can get some media coverage too by actually delivering something to somebody...or at least saying we will.