Heard about this on the news last night, and tonight there was another story (with dramatic graphics and expert testimonials) on this near miss incident with someone haphazardly flying too close an airport. Listen to the language they use to enculturate the average, uninformed viewer ...."Danger", "Drone", and "available to ANYONE"... sounds eerily familiar to the whole firearm debate. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/airplane-collides-drone-18670726 Why is it so important to regulate against the private hobbyist, yet some entities find it necessary to patrol foreign as well as domestic skies (with or without weapon systems): http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17210879-with-bipartisan-aid-paul-filibusters-cia-pick-brennan?lite http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/06/sen-paul-holds-floor-for-hours-in-filibuster-cia-nominee-over-drone-concerns/ If I remember correctly, during some European protests in 2011, images of alleged police brutality were captured by cameras attached to RC aircraft. This leads me to the question, "What is coming down the pipe that would be so important to make hobbyists with cameras on their aircraft, outlaws?" AND, "What's next?". Not attempting to spark a debate over which political parties ideals are best, just wanting to have some intelligent discussion with those who have always dreamed of flying- but due to whatever reason- can only achieve their dream through FPV RC... now that dream seems to be in jeopardy.
Do you see a pattern here? Elimination of anything that threatens a dictatorship, always starts with some kind of crisis. Then the liberal media jumps on the bandwagon to sell the obvious solution and minimize push back before the regulation starts. Getting people to forfeit their rights is a lot easier than just taking them away.
HEY look a video of a " " drone! People are so dumb. COME ON PEOPLE havent you seen Star Wars now those are drones not these RC what ever it is a person is flying. No I can see how flying to close to a airport or to high IS NOT OK but come on people..... [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_mxz8w1LLg&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]
PP - So was that Oregon HB3200 and most of the others. Everything is an emergency now. Ask "we have to pass it so we can find out what's in it" Pelosi. You have to do that so that nobody has time to figure out how stupid it is. I've run out of patience with all this stuff. I thought we sent those people there to represent us. Sure didn't turn out that way. ...Tiger
I emailed ABC news to help educate them even though I KNOW IT WONT HELP "Airplane Nearly Collides With Drone The Story is miss leading. That couldn't have been a Drone in NY, only Drones are in Movies like Star Wars. That there is a Quad-Copter and it is Radio Controlled model by a Human not a Computer. "
The stories are very misleading... I am going to print out the letter of opposition to SB 71 and mail it to those listed--- emails can be deleted but someone has to hold, open and see a physical letter before it ends up in the recycle bin. If you think about it, based on the wording of the bill, any RC craft could be misconstrued as a "drone" and such entities as G. Earth and Maps that allow anyone access to aerial pictures of what is really in their neighbors yards (I have found out how many swimming pools, old cars, play sets, and grow sites are in my neighbors yards) as well as complete strangers across the world. based on how I interpreted the Bill, that should be deemed illegal too. To me, the term "drone" has negative connotations, so whenever someone uses that term to describe a flying RC craft with (or without) a camera I correct them and say what I enjoy doing as a "remotely manned vehicle" because there is no autonomous thought going on inside that Styrofoam cooler that is shaped like an airplane . Given, some systems can fly to GPS way-points and based on human input, they can do so. We are still years behind (in the consumer market) from creating autonomous "drones".... the other guys, however, are funding college kids to create advanced systems (DARPA Projects) for them. I guess they just don't want any competition