This guy manages to get his quadcopter all the way across a lake with a broken blade. Excellent flying!
MAN - would I LOVE to hit that lake with my wakeboard!!!! GLASSSSSSSSSS! Very nice Oh yeah, great save with the quad too
that was lucky! Why do these multi's keep breaking blades? I have seen a lot of these videos lately with crashes. Everyone says to use Graupner's.
Agree. If I am going to fly over water, and I've wanted to fly over the Rogue, I think I would feel more confident about it running Graupner props. The only problem is that they cost each what a set of four for my GAUI 500X cost.
Also agree. That was another thing I noticed about that guys quad that just barely cleared the lake - pool noodles on the landing skids. But that would just mean that I get to chase my quad down the Rogue for a couple miles instead of having to dive to the bottom close to where it went down. I think no matter what you do, if your quad or helicopter goes down in the water you are looking at some decent damage at the minimum to the electronics. How can you waterproof a Naza with a barometer inside?