Nice video from some drifters in San Jose, Californmia. [youtube][/youtube]
WOW that was awsome! i love the scale trucks and trailers! But someone alrdy has my van body i was thinking of getting for my drifter!!
I am really liking that Toyota Hiace (HIAEC) van that they have setup to tow the trailer with the car. I've seen it is a few videos and think it is really cool. Somebody around here has that van body?
lol no i was saying that the van body in the video is the same on im getting! after christmas im starting my new build for my drifter! I think i might just sell this one and start from scratch! custom build it from the ground up!
Thats pretty cool. Are u still gonna do a knight rider body? My next body build is gonna be a civic hatch back. Want to make it look like. 1/10 scale version of my car. Then i can pull my car out of my car. Lol..
lol nice chase and hell ya im ganna do a knightrider shell but just trying to find a light bar that will go back and forth like kit is proving to be a bit tricky! I alrdy have the body but im still looking for a light bar like that! or if someone who knows how to make one like that let me know and how much it would cost! It needs to be like 6 leds long and about 1/4 of an inch wide rough messurements btw
Here's instructions. I also found a kit on ebay..
well i have a bunch of red lights and resistors and even a few boards but i have no cluse how to wire them or how they even work!! anybody wanna give me a hand u can have whats left over and theres alot of stuff!!
Check out Chase's Instructable link above, it looks like a good step by step on how to do what you want.