This is old already but interesting. I agree that the use of the drone was warranted and legal, however the governmental experts called the useage "public navigable airspace, in a physically nonintrusive manner". This is a two edged sword and my guess is that others, including private citizens may find this handy should any problems arise. Read the full article via the source link. Source:
OK, so I read through MOST of the article - its pretty long. First things first. Drones are coming, deal with it. Attempting to keep someone else's cows is still rustling. Threatening a SHERIFF with high-powered rifles is just STUPID! This guy deserves to be hung by his nuts and beaten with a stick, then sent to prison for being such a POS! Anyone who knows me closely knows that although I know and deal with many law enforcement officers in my line of work, I have no love loss for law enforcement. I've seen the corruption first-hand and can't believe I pay these peoples' salaries. However, these guys followed procedure and were completely in the right and within the law to use a drone to make this arrest. Once again - Suspect = stupid... Police = +1
Agree. Like you said the guy is really a cattle rustler even though the cows wandered onto his property. I wish all the cats that wandered onto my property were mine...I'd have a "Peking Duck" night for ya 'all. The issue I found interesting was that the law enforcement/government used the term "public navigable airspace, in a physically nonintrusive manner". I think a lot of FPV and even regular airplane, helicopter and multirotor flyers ought to remember that.