Here is where I found it on Hack_A_Day: Here is his build log with 35 pages showing his progress from start to finish (click to the next page at bottom of screen): This would be a lot to read, but it's so worth clicking through the pages and just looking at the pictures. Be sure to notice where he happens to mention and shows a helicopter he worked on (page 16). And he did all this without any fancy equipment. Amazing! Makes me feel totally incompetent. ...Tiger
I did see the part where he said he was 22 and that he's only had the mill and lathe for a year. I didn't mention that, because I'm having a really hard time believing it. I guess it's possible, but I don't see how unless he was born at about -30. These are not engineering or mechanical skills you learn in a year. I think he's just pulling our chain. Even if he's 90, his skills are astonishing. ...Tiger
I agree with Tiger. I consider myself very competent with regards to machining skills and I don't believe I could pull this off on manual mills/lathes even if I tried making each individual part 20 times. It would take me a year just to get parts that all worked together and fit within tolerances. Then ,after all that, it probably wouldn't work Reagardless of how old he is and how long he's been doing it, if indeed he did do it all manually - mad skills! I've long been fascinated with miniature scale engines and have always thought of giving it a shot myself. But the amount of design and programming time needed have kept me from taking the plunge. Still... keeps my interest seeing things like this Thanks John!!!
Awesome, but it would take 22 years on manual equipment. The bosses on the side of the block would be so incredibly hard without a CNC.
Tyson - I think you got it. He's been working on it for 22 yrs! How'd ya like to make this part on a manual mill (or CNC for that matter). You can see the work in progress on page 13. He says: "I used a ball nosed cutter, and worked out the x,y and z measurements on the cad. The other variable was the dividing head angle. It started off veryslow but I soon got into the swing of it. I reckon30 hours to make one set of pipes."
I just can't imagine having that much free time, or patience, to complete such a project! This guy is truly gifted. Incredible work
So lets say you could cut that thing. How would you hollow out the tubes? I can't even imagine! I don't know how he did a lot of things on that engine. ...Tiger
Truly amazing! He's not only a gifted machinist, he is a gifted artist under the truest definition. A sculpture of metal, a 3-dimensional guru.A quote I found recently come to mind ... "A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. ~ Louis Nizer"??? But, but how did he get ALL his parts looking so fine ??? The finishing is simply beautiful. Great find Tiger ... ~w00d EDIT: Again Tiger, thanks for providing me (LOL) with great content, a ΒΌ Scale V8 Engine ... Warning: Shameful BLOG promo ... ...
My thought on that, at least how I would do it, is lost wax process, then mill the outside. I can't think of a reliable way to mill the inside to keep all the runners of the equal volume needed to make the engine run properly. Just my 36,000 pesos
PP - You're right. I didn't notice that. If you look further up the page you can actually see it in the mill with those holes drilled. Not what I imagined, but it obviously works. So the beauty on the outside is just for looks (which is fine). It's all such an awesome piece of work. ...Tiger
I have to admit I am at a disadvantage. When I follow your links at the top it does bring me to the pages indicated, but in the case of the build log the pics don't show up. Do you have to be registered on that site to see them?
You don't have to be registered or anything. They just show up. That's weird. Try it on a different computer. The pics are the best part! ...Tiger