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The cat is out of the bag

Discussion in 'Multirotor' started by Tiger, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Tiger

    Tiger Registered

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    The HoverFly "Open" board just got mentioned on the Parallax site so I guess we can post it here as well.  This is the board that I hinted a couple weeks ago would arrive before the end of the year.  It was supposed to have accelerometers, but for some reason they got dropped in favor of a breadboard area for adding them.  Seems like a really stupid move to me.  Hardly anyone is going to be capable of doing that and the board is still going to cost three times as much as the OpenPilot board which already has the accelerometers.  Oh well!

    The board has still not been mentioned or posted on the HoverFly site, but here is a picture of it.  It's nothing more than the Sport board as far as I can tell.  A Sport board with a little extra real estate for playing.  My understanding is that the firmware will not be released so if you want to do something with this, you'll have to start from scratch.  :-\


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