Did some Southern GP LOS AP flying today, no FPV until I get a better antenna setup. Also lots of jello effect until I get a new camera mount. But the weather was good so I went for it. The best part is from 3:10 to 3:30 as it was totally un-planned and in Google Earth measures out to 320 feet away from where I was standing and was able to keep the subject centered in the frame the whole time ;D Also after about 4 flights and then measuring in Google Earth it looks like 600 feet away is my max LOS distance for flying a 450 with stabilization turned on. At this distance I can still make out the speck just enough to point it back at me and return. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv55yZsv8zM&hd=1
Good flight. I like your "Snapware" camera and electronics case. I am looking forward to seeing the video from it at the church/school.
Thanks Tiger, that is the big grass field behind the Southgate Movie theater, I never relized how big the empty space was until I saw it from the air. GPS, here is the second flight from today at the church. Looks like the Snapware did it's job. Still a little bit of Jello, but not too bad. Maybe I need foam between the helicopter skids and the box. The bouncing oscillations are from my CG being waaaaaaay out of trim for the Co Pilot to deal with it. I just strapped that box on there and made zero adjustments prior to flying. With forward flight it smooths out. Also I just measured from where we were up to those towers on that mountain, it's 2.88 air miles. EZ path for EZuhf 8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ODi4l8rD80&hd=1
Here is another flight I did today at Allendale school. No wind and no crowds people made it a good flight Still bouncy until I fix the CG, but still a good view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zg1p9SkHcw&hd=1 The best part is the long, reduced rotor speed descent from after the high point at 2:40
Very good video. It looks like you've got the jello problem solved and only have some oscillations from the balance/CG.
Another flight today, too bad it was overcast. Fixed my CG problem just using sub trims to make the rotor disk deal with the heavy front end. Heard you could do that but never tried, works very well, almost hands off hover for a few seconds. I am keeping my videos shorter and to the point these days, so two flights per battery and upload the best of two. Was pretty happy with this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WutLJ-jrz-4&hd=1