This guy has done a great job on his DJI F550. One is converted to a Y6 and in the other where he flys a Sony Nex-5n he also uses the screen built in the dashboard of his car. Very cool! DJI F550 hexacopter converted to Y6: Check out the in-dash monitor:
I dont know if it is a good thing or a sad thing that most of us know what it means when someone says they have a DJI 550 converted to a Y6 running a wookong m with a CF gimble and xxxxKV brushless........
Y is a term for a traditional tricopter format with two props up front and one in the back. There is also H copter, V copter, I copter, A copter.
I don't think it's any more sad than a mechanic knowing what his wrenches are for or a fireman knowing how to operate his truck. It's who we are and it's what we do. ...and it's cooler than heck! 8)