So my modem crapped out on me and I've been without an internet connection for most part of this week. It's taken my service provider until today to get me a new one LMAO, ya don't realize how BAD your addicted to the NET until you have to go without it ... Man I was lost, didn't know what to do with myself and almost went to my boob tube to watch the daytime soaps ... Anyhowz glad to be back ... So what did I miss, anything interesting ??
Oh boy wOOd! All the good stuff happen when you were gone. We kept calling and calling for you. Too bad you missed everything. It's over now and the moderators have erased everything because it was overloading the server. ...Tiger :
I was wondering where you were w00d. A week without Internet is like a year without sunshine. Or was it: using the Internet is like a year without sunshine?
LMAO, no worries there bud ... Lets just call it a bad joke on my part. LOL reminds of a bad relationship I had, she was always watching them darn soaps and had to buy a second Tv for just for that relationship While I'm on a RANT or I could say "while on the subject of BAD relationships", my NEW modem sucks! It seems slower to connect and as me thinking my old one was faster! Anywayz yeah the sunshine is back, I feel like I'm back in the world [size=1.2em][shadow=grey,left]w00d[/shadow][/size]
LMAO Hey all I have a TIP for ya's after cleaning the dust bunnies from inside the BOX don't forget to plug the GPU cooling fan back in before switching back on Video card was so HOT, in a fast and desperate attempt to get the FAN plugged back in I burned myself ... Double Ouch w/ some quite colourful language tossed in to keep it real I HATE cleaning out the dust ........ FYI [size=1.2em][shadow=grey,left]w00d[/shadow] [/size]
I'm surprised that with the GPU getting that hot it didn't pull an auto-shutdown on you. A couple years ago we had a computer at work that burned up the fan in the PSU. It's a super-special, slim case, non-standard machine that takes a special PSU and it's a really important computer that drove a pill-counting machine (I work in a pharmacy) so it HAD to work all day. The thing would auto-shutdown every 5-6 minutes due to heat and we HAD to reboot it to continue to count pills. That was a nightmare. Took about 3 days to order a special power supply for it. We ordered two, just in case... But, back on topic: glad you got the modem! Like you say, it's easy to forget how dependent the world is on Internet until you don't have it.
The overheating actually corrupted my screen just before it locked up ... I was trying to plug the FAN back in while she was rebooting. But ended up shutting her down and letting the video card cool somewhat before starting her up again. Yeah the temp that was reached did surprise me with the burn so it's certain the temp was WELL OVER my 50ºC pucker point, LOL BUT of course I do have my Video Card Overclocking software, ATI Tool that will shut the beast down if the GPU gets over a certain temperature threshold but of course I didn't have that running at the time
I think the dust acts like a insulating material protecting the electronics. It also acts like a sound dampener so now your computer is probably louder.