Not to be condescending or anything, but Google has the answer to almost any question you could ever want to ask. You can throw the name of almost any business into Google and it'll return all sorts of relevant information including maps, addresses, phone numbers and websites. Check it out:,+Southwest+6th+Street,+Grants+Pass,+OR&sa=X&ei=rYXJUO7HAsKWiALj3oDoBg&ved=0CDEQBSgA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=ef3791befd806818&bpcl=39967673&biw=1651&bih=863
Nexus: I'll try to keep that in mind ..."just add coffee" = a little sleep deprived/depraved 8) -thank you