This is a really cool video of some guys using a strobe light to see the vibration in their frame. Great idea! I've got to try this. ...Tiger [youtube][/youtube]
Certainly is interesting ... ... and I'm sure in the correct hands the information this test might provide could be useful. But I notice a few problems with their methodology. First up is the bench testing, vibration on the bench is not the vibration we would see in flight. Second issue: is the way they had bolted down the aircraft. Not only is it not wise to bolt a rotary aircraft down in the first place as this introduces vibration and torsional effects you wouldn't see in flight but bolting down at the arms outer length in a fashion that restrict the arms up and down flexibility I would have to question. I would think securing the bird down closer to it's center would give a closer to real world result. Yup this kind of testing could be useful but they should have thought it out somewhat better. It's only the way I see it [acronym=EYE See! "w00d's Photo Musings" LINK to my BLOG][shadow=grey,left][size=1em]w[/size][size=1.25em]00[/size][size=1em]d[/size][/shadow][/acronym] ____________________