Time again for the RVF's annual air show! Lots of great planes, helis, multi-rotors to look at on display and in the air. Fun for the whole family. Admission is free but a donation of canned food for the Josephine County Food Bank is appreciated. Seating is limited so plan on bringing your own chairs/blankets. Bottled water will be for sale throughout the day.
Oops! At the Josephine Skypark in Kerby. Show starts @ 9am. Only AMA members can fly as this is a sanctioned event. If you're AMA and would like to fly I can have our event coordinator get in touch with you.
Here is the video made during my demonstration of the hexacopter: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGugnY4yRPE[/youtube]
John - WOW! Thank you so much for your participation and hands-on help! Your pics are great and your video and demo fight are amazing! So good to have you be part of this year's airshow! Props and thanks my friend.
Mike - Thank you for allowing me to participate in your Airshow. I had a great time and got to see a bunch of cool airplanes and meet some great people.
Great PICS and an excellent example of the ME109, luv WWII Warbirds http://southernoregonrc.com/sorcfiles/rvf-airshow-3-web.JPG And what the HECK is THAT? What is this Heli looking rotor thingy shown in this PIC? Looks like the Meshing Rotor Heads on this heli I posted about in another thread PIC needs some 'words' ... any more info?
Sorry W00d, I've been really busy. That bird is a twin-rotor gyro-copter. The rotor assembly mounts on top of the blue fuselage next to the Tower Hobbies Trainer in John's pic above. It belongs to the club and I had the privilege of taking her into the air for the crowd. Its longest flight so far is about 30-seconds. It has some minor hardware issues that we just haven't put the time in to figure them out. Nevertheless, its a fun craft to fly