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Robot Club Meeting Tonight - UPDATE with directions!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Tiger, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Tiger

    Tiger Registered

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    Grants Pass
    Robot Club meeting tonight at 6:00!  For the first time we have installed R/C receivers in our Sumo bots and will be having what should be a pretty wild contest.


    *** Driving Directions ***

    Heading from Grants Pass towards Selma, take Redwood Ave. The YMCA and race track should be on your right.

    About 1/2 mile past Allen Creen Rd (where the new Albertsons is) or the YMCA turn right (north) on Shady Lane.

    Take the first right (east) into the Spring Meadow back parking lot. Park immediately.

    The Clubhouse is on the north side of the parking lot with a small sign hung over the entry way.

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