i have 50 rc airplanes for sale plus many-many partial planes also quit a few kits airplanes range from quarter scale electric to large gass also have a number of nitro and gass helicopters, pattern to scale nitro planes and all are reasonably priced if you have a special need or interest let me know ani will respond. i live in meridian idaho which is just west of boise so not too far away. if you have an interest or need i have many posted on craigs list in boise under toys and games again the prices are very reasonable and maybe they are deliverable my phone number is 208-283-0209if i can i will add a picture.
the gass heli is a kalt and that is the only name on it the roter is 63 inches total and it doesnt have a body but the price is only $350.00 if interested call 208-283-0209. thanks
no it doesnt the frame looks simular but its blach and it has a pull starte and does not use a remote starter. also the engine has a sticker on the pull starter that says kalt