LOL, I've actually been there ... and a number of times to ... With Blackpool being an holiday spot it happens when you only live 50 miles away
Although I've also been to the TOP of that tower (just bragging now) I don't know how tall because what I don't say in my first post I was a KID when I lived in England, well really I was born there and allot of my memories of the place still live ... moved to Canada when I was 10 ... ... but I do know the towers name, Blackpool Tower (official site) Google Search: Blackpool Tower EDIT: ha, Google says: "Height: 158m" or that's 518.373 feet for Americans across the pond ...
So that guy was flying his TBS Discovery pretty high. I figured it was more than 400 feet just from his video. I'd like to chase/follow one of those roller coasters with my hexacopter.