QGroundControl: Ground control station for air - land - water autonomous unmanned systems. Main Features Open-source MAVLink Micro Air Vehicle Communication Protocol with lightweight serialization functions for microcontrollers Windows / Linux / MacOS support 2/3D aerial maps (Google Earth support) with drag-and-drop waypoints In-flight manipulation of waypoints and onboard parameters (in EEPROM) Real-time plotting of sensor and telemetry data Logging and plotting of sensor logs Support for UDP, serial (radio modem) and mesh networks Supports multiple Autopilots (pxIMU, ArduPilotMega, SLUGS, MatrixPilot/UAVDevBoard, many more) MAVLink protocol supports up to 255 vehicles in parallel and project-specific custom messages can be added Head-up-display, support for digital video transmission/display Competition-proven at IMAV and EMAV competitions (QGroundControl was used in the EMAV 2009 1st place Indoor Autonomy entry) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaQ0bH0WW80[/youtube] QGroundControl website: http://qgroundcontrol.org/