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Photography: 3 week Mini-Course

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by w00d, May 21, 2012.

  1. w00d

    w00d Registered

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    New Toronto, Ontario, Great White North, Ay
    [size=1.2em]Hi All[/size] ... hehe, some might have figured this out by now but I have three main interests or hobby's in life and those are Radio Control (helicopters), Computers and Photography. Yup we ALL have, might be other interests or even professional knowledge but we all have something to offer the others who are also interested in Rc,  this post is about Photography or Photographing our Rc projects ...

    I just signed up for a Photographic Mini Course and as grand has that might sound ALL they give each day for the next 21 days is access to a particular photographic TIP (URL) which will be 21 tips total! I thought I would share and when I receive them I will add the links here each day to this post.

    I'm just just trying this out myself and it's only my eMail Address at risk of being 'Spammed' but I have NO clue as to the quality or suitability of this 'course', we shall both learn that as we go. Also some TIPs you probably will know some you won't either way we'll both be finding this out at the same time

    Yes Sir some of us like posting our pictures, hopefully and only for the interested this might help us make them better pictures ...
      [size=1.2em]  [shadow=grey,left]w00d[/shadow][/size]

    [size=1.2em]Photographic Mini Course:
    They Claim: Every camera owner knows how hard it is to take great looking shots. No matter how hard you try, you never quite get the perfect photo of the professionals - you know, the photos you see all the time in magazines. So what's the best way? What's the correct way? That's what this course is all about. 

    To give to you the top secrets you need to create the perfect shot every time! Even though my mini-course has over 21 tips, you’ll find yourself taking better shots by using just two or three tips! Imagine how great your photos will be after the 21st tip ... The tips are simple, well written, and easy to implement. But they’re astonishingly effective

    [table][tr][td]                  1 - Move in Closer [/td][td]8  -  Unusual Angles[/td][td]15 - Use Different Lenses/Filters[/td][/tr][tr][td]                  2 - Use Optical rather than Digital Zoom      [/td][td]9  -  Using Flash During The Day[/td][td]16 - Use Predefined Modes[/td][/tr][tr][td]                  3 - Rule of Thirds, Place Your Subject Off-Center      [/td][td]10 - Use Continuous Shooting[/td][td]17 - Don't add frills[/td][/tr][tr][td]                        4 - Photographing Children[/td][td]11 - Give Yourself A Theme[/td][td]18 - Use the LCD Monitor to preview images[/td][/tr][tr][td]                        5 - Take More, And Erase Your Shots[/td][td]12 - Look For Light[/td][td]19 - Look for Reflections [/td][/tr][tr][td]                        6 - Preset your Exposure and Focus [/td][td]13 - Use Red Eye Reduction Flash                            [/td][td]20 - Shooting Vacations[/td][/tr][tr][td]                  7 - Use a Tripod [/td][td]14 - Don't Rely On Flash[/td][td]21 - Clean your Camera[/td][/tr][/table]

    EDIT: Photo Tutorials which are much better (IMO) than teh above!
              Re-posted from: Photobucket or Flickr Photo Sharing
    • FYI: More tutorials can be found @ Photobucket or Flickr Photo Sharing as I will be adding more as time passes.
      The LIST of tutorials listed here within this thread will NOT be added to

  2. w00d

    w00d Registered

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    New Toronto, Ontario, Great White North, Ay
    Well the first week is done ...
    ... My impressions so far is as I suspected ...
    ... The lessons are pretty basic and suited for the absolute beginner who might want to progress into more challenging work

    {LMAO} More importantly as also proved correct, it was an excuse to get at my eMail and SPAM it, spam it with his eBooks.
    ... Yet another "Spammer" mucking about w/ my eMail address ... Oh NO the SKY is falling

    I'll continue posting the TIP's as I get them, still might come with something I can use

    As it wasn't one of the best postings due to Spam, best I can say is sorry and don't give em your eMail ...
    ... although I don't think I have to worry about that eh!?!


  3. w00d

    w00d Registered

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    New Toronto, Ontario, Great White North, Ay
    Not sure of the interest but I've entered z last of teh so called lessons
    ... that being we're all DONE ...
        ... Thanks again ...


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