Watch in HD if you can. Turn up the sound! Awesome! ...Tiger Oops... The YouTube thingy doesn't want to work so just click on it:
w00t, don't know why it isn't working for ya Tiger, .. but I never use the 'Youtube' button above as I enter the TAGS manually, ie: [nobbc][youtube]XRCIzZHpFtY[/youtube][/nobbc] [youtube]XRCIzZHpFtY[/youtube] Nevertheless COOL Video, ... 'literally' to, being in outer space it's cold, yeah ... Unfortunately for me, my machine ain't got the POWER, {LOL} no 'umpf' to view in HD ... but I do LIKE Outer Space videos this one ... do keep em coming ... [acronym=EYE See! "w00d's Photo Musings" LINK to my BLOG][shadow=grey,left][size=1em]w[/size][size=1.25em]00[/size][size=1em]d[/size][/shadow][/acronym] [hr]
Very cool. I wonder what happens if it lands sideways or upside down? I suppose weight distribution on the bottom helps avoid that, but isn't there lass gravity on Mars?