Hi ALL ... I wasn't sure where to post this exactly but I suppose this is as good has any ... Anyhow, this is quite interesting! How Artificial Intelligence Reconstructs Our Minds and Lives Using Our Photos QUOTE: "Metadata can infer (with great accuracy) your sexual orientation, your political affiliation, shopping preferences, and can even predict your behavior. Even if personal information is stripped away from the metadata, it is still possible for a person’s identity to be revealed using only a few data points. There are even programs that can predict a person’s social security number from public data.- Joshua Sarinana · Aug 25, 2013" "Corporations and government agencies have heavily invested in developing the next generation of data mining software and processing power. Recently, Google and NASA have created the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab and have purchased a quantum computer to boost computational power to analyze large-scale datasets - Joshua Sarinana · Aug 25, 2013" Thanks for coming out ... -w00d
Here is another interesting quote from the same read: "Researchers have shown that they can use public digital photos from social media sites to train computer vision software to reconstruct entire cities. The software learns to find and stitch together different images of the same structure to produce a 3D model. Check out some of their work — it’s quite amazing"