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NEWS: The Lytro lightfield for Smartphones

Discussion in 'AP/FPV' started by w00d, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. w00d

    w00d Registered

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    New Toronto, Ontario, Great White North, Ay
    This is interesting news tidbit, well it is for small camera users at least ...
    ... But it's only available for Smartphones at present. I'm sure other camera platforms will incorporate it at some point in the future !?!
    QUOTE: "This 1cm cube sensor will allow users to select their focus after an image is shot, in similar fashion to a Lytro. The Lytro lightfield camera is nothing short of groundbreaking and it is likely only a matter of time before we see similar technology make its way to more consumer-oriented devices like cellphones. Toshiba seems to be taking the first step in that direction. - By Dan Bracaglia"

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