The camera as is which is only a matter of opinion, my opinion is NOT quite suitable for Aerial Photography as I don't believe this camera supports the necessary inputs and outputs. First runs are aimed at the 'Point'n Shoot' market, nevertheless as an 'emerging technology' it shows promise ... ... But expensive as ALL new TECH! Teh Lytro Camera does it's 'focusing' in Post-Processing which is NOT limited to one particular area of focus. Quote "They have produced a camera that will allow you to simply shoot a picture and focus or refocus on any part of the image at any later date" ... To see the idea in action have a look at the video or view (try) the Image Gallery which is posted later ---> [youtube]JDyRSYGcFVM[/youtube] Light Field Camera - WiKi, interesting reading. First proposed in 1908 and first realized in 2004 by a team at Stanford University The LYTRO Camera - The technology, the first consumer product of it's kind! LYTRO - The Manufactures Home Page LYTRO - The Camera, the Science LYTRO - The Image Gallery - must TRY it yourself, click a number of area's on any one picture to re-focus Thanks for Looking [size=1.2em][shadow=grey,left]w00d[/shadow][/size] [hr]
We talked about this camera before: I thought it might be cool to take aerial photos with this camera and create a kind of local "Street View" since we could photograph our local area with our quads and helicopters then maybe stitch the photos together and be able to zoom in on whatever one wanted to.
hehe, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Forum has grown as there are allot of post thus it was inevitable some are going to be re-posts As for the 'technology' the ability to creatively pick and choose and again between different focusing points in our photo is unprecedented. Ever take a picture that was out of focus, well the future promises as the cameras get better a solution to this age old issue ... Although the Point'n Shoot crowd have it NOW! [hr]
hehe, When we can say it's got the attention of the 'Professional' Photographer it would be GOOD news for the technology, and yes their looking. Currently there are issues with the maximum resolution attained, in it's current form we're talking LOW Res Cameras thus the reason the Point'n Shoot are the first to get them. I would have to assume resolution will improve over time, at which time they will start wrapping nice Body's and Lens in a dSLR format around the tech
I hope when they start wrapping a DSLR body around it they will re-think what a DSLR is and not make the body the shape of a 1950's film camera.
As an dSLR alternative there are the EVIL Cameras, LOL ... Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens ... To lighten the package they did away with the optical viewfinder and the Flip-up Mirror you would find on a typical dSLR, which also gives them the shape. Those are available now. I'm a traditionalist and I would prefer to keep the dSLR format Google the EVIL EDIT: The birth of Mirrorless Cameras [hr]