i have done my research involving our local bmx track.it is in fact NOT ILLEGAL to drive rc's there.those signs you see posted''no radio controlled cars''are not government signs nor do they uphold any type of law.so you bashers out there,don't be discouraged by those bogus signs and go have fun.so next time you drive by the bmx track and see a guy rippin it up with his rc,that would be me j to the roc!!!!! "bashin is my business and business is good"
If you go to Google maps and locate the place, then right click and select "what's here" it will add a marker. Then on the upper right side click the link icon (looks like a chain) and copy the link in the top box called short URL, then paste it into a link code, the button with the earth: [ url ]paste short code here[ /url ] It will look like this when done: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=42.431249,-123.320374&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&z=18
I am going to follow up on this in Medford= BMX tracks are awesome for bashing!-I understand there is alot of time/ laybor & coin$ ,users put into these tracks,I respect that (maybe that's the only issue).My point being ,one person always represents the whole group,"No Man is an Island Unto Himself".One persons trash ,disrespect ,damage-what ever, can ruin it for everyone.I like the idea of using the facility & and if it's cool, --------------I'm soooo in!!----------thanks for the heads up JROCK!