Anybody flying their quad around this time? Sure sounds like a "Quad Signting" to me. John - Was that you? ...Tiger
Uh oh... only kidding. No, I didn't fly in Grants Pass this past Friday. I did do a night flight near Albertson's on the 6th.
I saw something too! Seriously, I was picking up a pizza at Abby's (Williams Hwy) and looked North and up and saw something shiny hanging around. Looked like maybe a helicopter, but looked like something hanging under it like a metal cylinder. It was weird, I watched it for a long time, maybe 10 minutes straight. I heard no sound, but it was way up there, maybe 2000-3000 AGL? I was going to post here to see if someone was flying around that day, but just didn't.
It was so small and so high up all you could do was stare at it and look for shimmering reflections when they happened.
Very well could have been, it was strange, but not strange enough to keep me from my pizza for very long
Listening to the witnesses description of how it was flying it sure sound's like someone was flying their Quad ...