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I doubt that anything platform that's been open sourced (like Android) has seen such wide adoption. Pretty incredible, if you ask me.
Android rocks! I am still using a Nexus One with Cyanogen Mod and it is still awesome. I want a Nexus 4 now from the Play store, no contract.
Still rocking the Nexus One, huh? I picked up the N1 when it released three years ago. Sold it last April and bought the Galaxy Nexus. I like having the new software but I really don't like the look/feel of the GNex compared to the N1. The Nexus 4 looks like a day-one sale to me. Looks like they're going back to a high-quality build with mind-blowing specs, which is exactly what HTC did with the Nexus One. 8)
Yes, I am still running a Nexus One. I have three of them. Two are running Cyanogen mod and the other is brand new in the box. I don't think that one has even been powered on. I really like the build quality and was close to getting a Samsung Nexus but just didn't like it as much as my Nexus One despite the better screen and more memory, etc. The N1 is a heavy tank, but I have still flown it many times in my hexacopter with "My Tracks" running to get some cool maps like this: Here is the video from that flight: What I'd like to see is Motorola come out with some Nexus products. Now that would be cool.