This is pretty interesting. Check it out to get a leg up on the upcoming YouTube redesign. Step 1 Open Chrome, and head to Once the page has fully loaded, and with Chrome in focus, hit Ctrl+Shift+J - Alt+Cmd+J in OS X - to bring up the console. Step 2 Enter this line of code: Code: document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=jZNC3DCddAk;" Step 3 Hit the enter key on your keyboard and refresh the page. You should now be rocking the new YouTube design in all it’s Googlified glory! Alternative Code Commenter Farran Lee left an alternative code to use should you find that not every page of YouTube displays in the ‘new style’: Code: document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=jZNC3DCddAk; path=/;";window.location.reload(); Read more via the source link. Source: