That's funny. Good find. Anybody who names a animal protection group SHARK deserves to have their drone shot down.
Ummmmm, Local pigeon shooting Hillbillies hiding in the TREE's (dressed in "camo" no doubt) w/ GUNS who FLED the scene on Land QUADS ... and I would think it's those same Hillbillies who are the ones shooting at the local road signs ... Begs the question, what did SHARK think would happen to "their" high tech pigeon!?! LMAO at ALL them, SHARK and the Pigeon Snuffers. Bet privately the local police were laughing also ... "well see y'all we thought is was a damn good eat'n pigeon so we shot your honor" EDIT: Think SHARK would have got better intel with this instead --->
Shooting stuff is what we do in the US of A. You folks up north do a lot of the same 'eh? [youtube][/youtube] This is what comes to my mind when I think about folks shooting stuff: [youtube][/youtube]
Ummmmmm taking ownership of the "Local Hillbillies" and "Local RedNeck", eh {LMAO} Hey LOOK at ANY county, any part of the world and you'll find some Local Yocal eatn'n whatever BUG, creepy crawler, RAT'n Rodent or Bird (flying rodent) that will keep em from spending at the local supermarket {LOL} Pigeon eat'n is an English finger lickin delicacy I believe, certainly from Europe ... I'm from the city so our local meat on teh stick would be Raccoon as there's more meat than found on those than a typical city squirrel ... Not sure what the country Hosers would be eatin'n but I have talked to a few Indian fellows and they say they are quite fond of eating "MuskRat" and "Beaver" (and NO! Lets not go there) yup they really are eat'n the four legged variety. Although it's quite illegal for white folks to be eat'n as the Beaver is a protected animal under Canadian Law. Well it would have to protected under LAW, it's on the Nickle and besides we can't have a nation being thought of as a bunch of beaver eat'n Yocals can we ... But it's alright for the Indians to eat them ... PS: I'm not Canadian I only live here but I'm certainly NOT above havin a GIGGLE on the WRONG side of being Politically Correct