I can see most of us are going to get kicked out! http://www.modelaviation.com/aerialphotography ...Tiger
AP/FPV - It's all the same banana. I was referred to this page by another AMA page about FPV. Same rules apply! ...Tiger
Sorry, I thought you were linking to a page of rules from the AMA. This article is a infomercial for FLYSAFE (http://flysafetraining.org/) who wants to make a buck training people to fly according to what they think the rules should be, albeit some of their rules are kind of common sense. However, have you noticed that one of the most cited "rules" these organizations push is "don't fly over people" but if you dig a little deeper they are doing it themselves? Regarding the AMA, I really don't see any value in being a AMA member at this point, do you? Why would anyone join, especially if you are into AP or FPV?
Hey, those guys want $799 plus a $33.92 "Fee", whatever that is, for their weekend of "training". I'm going to start a website and train folks for "only" $599.
I've already got my schedule: Aerial Photography School (name to be determined) Event Details SCHEDULE OF EVENTS GUARANTEED TO SAVE YOU DOUBLE THE REGISTRATION COST IN AVOIDED MISTAKES. Host Hotel: To be determined Workshop Location: To be determined SCHEDULE FRIDAY MAY 17TH 12-3PM ARRIVALS AND CHECK IN 3PM-5PM GENERAL SESSION -Introduction to Radio Control Aerial Photography & Cinematography -Finding the right flight platform for you. An introduction to Flight Platforms and Systems. 5PM DINNER BREAK – on your own 630PM – 830PM GENERAL SESSION (spit and rotate) Introduction to Aerial Photography Systems Manufacturers and suggested equipment 830PM – 1030PM GENERAL SESSION (spit and rotate) Flight Mechanics. Understanding how to fly RC. Simulator time —————————————– SATURDAY 8AM-1130AM – GENERAL SESSION Simulator time Cameras and Lenses DownLink Setup 1130AM LUNCH BREAK - on your own 1PM-430pm – GENERAL SESSION (spit and rotate) Soldering Wiring Best Mechanical Practices Battery Technology and Charging 430PM DINNER BREAK - on your own 6PM-9PM GENERAL SESSION- Business & Safety Business Building Techniques Real Estate Associations/Chambers/RCAPA/AMA SAFETY Part 1 930PM- NETWORKING at the host hotel ————————————– SUNDAY 9AM-1pm -GENERAL SESSION Safety Part 2 ForeFlight Simulator time Test Review Written Exam Certificates Issued
As for the AMA... I just joined three weeks ago so I could fly indoors at the "Y". It's the ONLY reason I did. I never saw any value in them before and now that I'm receiving a regular stream of their propaganda, I see even less value. I just got the monthly "newsletter" from them. It's a joke! It's mostly advertising. So much so that it's really irritating to try to read it. It's all about money. That's it! It's all about money. They have created their own little empire and are doing their best to suck the blood out of the membership. Reminds me of the government. Do you get the feeling that I'm not exactly a proud member? ...Tiger
Did the "Y" require you to be a AMA member to fly at their facility? If so I guess I'm never fly there after all. I totally agree with you that it's all about the money. Did you read my post some time ago about the salaries of those guys? if not here is a link: http://southernoregonrc.com/index.php?threads/how-much-is-that-non-profit-in-the-window.2689/ We're in the wrong business! One of the commenters on the RFTC video said it best that the AMA is still just a private club. I'm serious about making a AP/FPV training company. I figure they are about ZERO more qualified than I am to train people how to fly AP.
The club (RVF) got permission to fly there and I guess part of the sell was that you would be a member of AMA and would be covered by AMA insurance. I really don't know what the deal was. I was just told that I had to be AMA or I couldn't fly so I joined to fly this winter. Nobody has has asked me to join the club. I hope they don't. That's where I get off the boat. It makes no sense to me that insurance is an issue since the "Y" already carries insurance for anything that happens there. It's not a big deal one way or the other. I just want a place to fly one Saturday a month if it's raining. I had not seen your posting about salaries. I did look at their audited financial statement and it seemed clear that nobody was going hungry. This is pretty normal for non-profits. Look at the money hospitals take in and they are all non-profits. We're just on he wrong end of the rope I guess. ...Tiger
You know what's good about non-profits? There is always room to make some serious money by starting your own.