Broke one landing gear, but didn't let that slow me down. Shot a cool video. I'll try to get that on YouTube tonight and post again.
Just got the video uploaded. First time I've done it in HD (720P) because my internet is so slow. Quality is still really poor compared to the original file. Oh well. Watch it in full screen and 720P if you can anyway. ...Tiger
Bill - That was the first thing I thought of when it broke. As soon as I got home I offered one up to the quad. It's just to big and worse yet it would be somewhere between difficult and nearly impossible to attach. It turns out that the Blade landing gear interlocks to the frame in a really complicated way. There is only one screw to attach it and all it does is keep the interlocked parts from coming apart. It's about as mod unfriendly as a design could be. I ordered new parts and they will arrive today on UPS. I think what I'm going to do is put a strut between to two sides to distribute the load better. It's not a great fix, but it's better than the factory configuration that seems made to break. We'll know how it works soon!
Well, they've got to keep you coming back for parts some way I guess. It sure looks like a nice flying machine.
I've had several people ask me how I got the Blade 350QX working on a Futaba radio with the Spektrum DM8 module. It's still a work in progress, but I've started to put together a page with instructions. I'm having trouble with Dreamweaver, but I have enough up to get you going. I'll clean it up more as time permits and I figure out the program. You can find it here: ...Tiger