I knew it only had one motor, but I never found a photo to show how he did it. Looks like a very simple and clean design. That's good, because I would plan to crash it a lot. The flying was really impressive, but then what would you expect from the guy that's #3 in helicopters. He could probably make a rock fly. That mod to his Tx stick was really strange. I never saw him turn that when he was flying. Looked like it would be very awkward to use. I think you should buy one of those John. I'm sure Tyson has his on order by now. ...Tiger
He says in the video there is a driveshaft up the center al lot like some RC cars transferring power to the front and rear belts. I've seen his radio before. There's a case of a guy making his equipment work the way he wants it to work. Kudos to him. You guys are into the acrobatic stuff more than me. Before I get any more airframes I would be more interested in some cool video gear like this Ribcage GoPro modification from Back-Bone.