An interesting modern looking design, modeled after magnetic Propeller Balancers for airplanes This is a Helicopter Blade Balancer, although a bit pricey @ $33.90 CAD Rc Flight Srore - HeliOption Maglev Blade Balancer for 450 to 700 class blades [shadow=Orange,left]w00d[/shadow]
Here is my high-tech balancer wOOd. Works great if you can get the blades opposing each other properly, then set the ends over a couple drinking glasses. I have often wished I had something like the one you've shown.
Whatever works eh Bill, my balancer cost me $5 but is bearing based ... Meh, I've never used it Regardless in most cases the blades ship pretty well balanced out teh BOX Although for my 450 at least I simply "weight" match them with my Scales which IMO is good enough
Here's something from the same company HeliOption for the 500 flyer's. Canopy installing and removing was always a PIA for me Quick Change Canopy Mount - T-REX 500 They also make mounts for our larger birds, 550, 600 and 700 class but nothing for our 450 pilots EDIT: I just looked at HeliOtion Main Page and guess what Bill, they also do those Adjustable Links (Turnbuckles) you were asking about the other day. Again I don't know if they have the size we need but here it is anyhowz --->
None the correct length, 2x35mm or slightly longer is what I am looking for. I have found these, but I am going to hold off until things are far enough along to do some testing and see if they are really needed to get the blade tracking correct. Infinity hobby has them also but shipping was almost $15 for an $11 dollar item that weighs near to nothing. I've spent several hours going through page after page of car/truck related adjustable links. There must be hundreds of them out there but most are 3mm or more and many don't list actual size, only part #. For what ever reason, most of these links seem to be half the price of the "heli specific" ones. :
That stinks but I'm NOT surprised ... ... I should have looked closer before I posted because when I did I noticed also there wasn't that many to choose from Oh well nothing to do but wait for their Gimbal Swash to come out
Have you checked out Lunsford? They make some of, if not the best, links for RC cars and trucks.
Yep, Lunsford makes some good ones, unfortunately they are all to large in diameter. Align stock links are 1.9mm so 2mm or even 2.2 would work without being to tight on the ball coupler. I have read the 2.5mm will work if you ream the plastic couplers out but it doesn't leave much plastic for the link threads to grip to.
"I have found these, but I am going to hold off until things are far enough along to do some testing and see if they are really needed to get the blade tracking correct" Well now thank you Bill {hehe} I had wondered HOW the Tracking was adjusted, now smea knows! And to the point you was making, yup there's allot to be said by trying first. Always BEST to wait'n see if there's a problem before we try fixin em
I read a thread on readyheli about a guy who used Lunsford 2mm turnbuckles and indeed if you Google 2mm Lunsford turnbuckle you will see a result, however on Lunsford's website they are not listed. Might be worth a phone call...Lunsford is a Oregonian company!
I can't imagine that they wouldn't have any lying around, like new old stock. Phoning them might get you better results. I just love their stuff and the off-road turnbuckles I have used to replace broken stock parts have never broken...problem solved!
{LMAO} You caught me, actually I'm VERY GUILTY of that too ... Maybe I should practice what I preach eh
I just looked up the Lunsford address. We're almost neighbors, they are about 20 minutes away in Albany. I just sent them a note. We'll see what they say.