Don't trust what people say ... In a general sense, sure your going to get allot compliments and that's wondrous thing but don't trust it. Most just haven't been exposed to the knowledge or aren't knowledgeable enough to critique a particular work. Ask yourself can they spot the difference between really good or the really bad, do they really know what is truly amazing. For any subject it takes an highly experience and highly trained eye, an expertise in a particular area to truly know the difference. Ask yourself, can you spot these people and do you know who they are ... Better to self-criticisize, although this can drive one bonkers but has the power to take you from your complacency. Don't be comfortable, don't be so well adjusted and stay critical of everything you do even when you think it's the best you've ever done. Nobody will understand and it may upset a few especially if ONE vocalizes such thoughts but the habit will make you great, or in the least very successful ... the END {LOL} To be taken for what it is, only something I've reading put into my own words [size=1.2em][shadow=grey,left]w00d[/shadow][/size] [hr]