My latest FPV flight, I had too much gain set in Co Pilot II and you can see it bounce in the video. This whole flight was without the use of stabilization, it is my very first FPV flight with only me in full command of the heli. Not the prettiest flying, but I survived! The part where I turned around at the beginning and looked at the highway all smooth for half a minute was my favorite, then I got nervous and everything went downhill from there. But it proved that I can now fly solo 8) Only the few times that you see a violent bounce did I have my flight computer activated, what happened is after everything was trimmed out and flying perfect I added my FPV gear, and took off. Well the FPV stuff changed the CG just a tiny amount, and with gains set too high the computer was trying to balance an out of balance object to a fine degree. Once I loosend up the settings it flew perfect on the next flight, but no video of that. This was here in Grants Pass about two weeks ago......