Hi guys I need to make a little money right now so I am having to sell a few unnecessary items . I have my loved little mcx that I dont use a lot now. It has a new white body with new blades, flybar holder, and flybar. all the new parts are off the mcx2. I cant post pics right now but we all know what one looks like. It is in good condition and flys great. It has a few mods that help it fly a little more aggressive. It comes RTR with radio charger and upgrade 150mah battery. I am asking $70 obo for it. I know the price is high but life is bad and cash is short for me right now so I will entertain offers also. No trades please
Hey Erin, don't need any helis right now, but I'm still willing to part with some cash for airplanes I'll be busy with the RVF Swap & Shop Saturday, and Sunday is my day with the wife, but I've got a little time this evening. Let me know, Mike.
im interested but i dont get paid till the first. if you sell it before then i understand. thanks & good luck!
It is still around. I just took it back to Grants pass yesterday so I would stop flying it around the hospital ;D. I was afraid I was gonna loose it a couple times. I did just add a couple more new replacement parts also. it is almost all new with the exception of the main frame. If you are still interested on the first let me know and she is yours
im most definately interested still i may have the money tonite not sure but the first is sunday so heres my num 5412871256 thanks!
just found out a little about your situation.call or text when you are available.good luck with the new baby.i was at the hospital over a week with mine!
i had an emergency of the automobile variety,so im not gonna have any exrtra money sorry! wish you luck