I just received an email from Castle Creations with some pretty sweet deals. http://www.castlecreations.com/promos/black5day.html How about posting goodies like this for the next several weeks. We may be able save someone some $$ on these RC goodies. I'm looking for a discount on the new NAZA-H.
Here is another. This one 13% off 100 dollar order from HeliProz, plus free shipping. http://www.heliproz.com/default.asp They don't stock NAZA.
I think I got that email too. I had one from Tower Hobbies that was offering free shipping on orders over $20 but I think I deleted it before we started this thread. Anyway, I don't think it was a black Friday thing. What a dumb name, black Friday. Sounds like some satanic nonsense. Who thought that one up? Is it because people get trampled to death trying to get into Walmart first? Do you get a free T-Shirt if you help trample someone to death.
Tower Hobbies: Great Gift! New Item! 1SQ Quadcopter 2.4GHz RTF - $99.98 http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/heli-max/hmxe0834_e.html RealFlight® 6.5 R/C Flight Simulator - $20 rebate http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/realflight/index_e.html Super Cub Micro EP 2.4GHz RTF - $89.98 http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/flyzone/flza2020_e.html 1/24 Scale King Tiger Henschel EP RTR - $159.99 http://www.towerhobbies.com/products/vstank/vskd36_e.html
I received and email from Heads Up RC with some deals but they don't show up on their home page. I'll just post the links to the goodies. http://www.headsuprc.com/servlet/the-2486/StuntBipe-ARF--dsh--Yellow/Detail http://www.headsuprc.com/servlet/the-2122/HURC-2.4ghz-DSM2-Compatible/Detail http://www.headsuprc.com/servlet/the-2518/HURC-400-Sport-%28/Detail http://www.headsuprc.com/servlet/the-1410/Towerpro--9g-SG90/Detail
This might be the one I was looking for. ;D http://www.heliproz.com/ And a couple more. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/BLACK_FRIDAY_SALE.asp?utm_campaign=221112.BKF.US&utm_content=92126993&utm_medium=email&utm_source=EDM http://www.helidirect.com/event_products.php?gID=80&trk_msg=16AQLB3VDQ2KNARJAG3JMH9VKC&trk_contact=IE7V397O04OO4D8O44IC5QR6SS&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=http%3a%2f%2fwww.helidirect.com%2fevent_products.php%3fgID%3d80&utm_campaign=2012+Monthly+Sends&utm_content=11.21thanksgivinghd [size=12pt]Happy Thanksgiving everyone.[/size]
Thanks, Got a fair deal too, 12% off and another 12+ dollars in rewards off from past purchases. Now the wait..... Oh well, still have to finish the Fun Cub then rebuild the MD500.
Which of your helicopters will you be putting the Naza-H into? You mentioned a gasser, but I didn't know you had a gasser. I know you have a Align 600. I got this from Perfect Regulators: http://www.perfectregulators.com/
It will go in the 600. I have flown the helis so little lately I am considering selling the 500. Nope, don't have a gasser. Just passing along what I had learned for Pelagic Pilot. He was wondering if they would work in gassers. Wow, That's the best one I've seen.
I was hoping you were going to use it on your 600. I look forward to hearing more as you do that! I purchased some things from Perfect Regulators and their service is very good. I have one of these: http://www.perfectregulators.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=37&product_id=77 and these: http://www.perfectregulators.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=37&product_id=53 I also got their braid and used it on the servo wires of my JR-500e: http://www.perfectregulators.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=44&product_id=68
??? "Black Friday" ??? ...not very P.C. :-X (I digress=sorry)...I'm pretty sure it is an accounting term....either way, "Homey don't play that." 8) =online baby!
Here's one for heli fans, good today only though. http://www.helidirect.com/event_products.php?gID=87&trk_msg=96QVU0B83T44LAHV5TD4HQELQG&trk_contact=IE7V397O04OO4D8O44IC5QR6SS&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=http%3a%2f%2fwww.helidirect.com%2fevent_products.php%3fgID%3d87&utm_campaign=2012+Monthly+Sends&utm_content=11.26-cybermondayhd
Pro-Line would like to wish you many great deals this Cyber Monday! SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 25% off your order Cyber Monday Only! Monday, November 26th, 2012. Online Coupon Code: Cyber25PL
oh heres one from nitrorcx.com i recieved! I have boughten a few things from these guys and havent had any problems with there stuff!! http://www.nitrorcx.com/