So just quick post, sad that I have to post this but I decide to purchase a 1/8 thscale crawler for my 12 year old son and after a few days of youtube vids and review reading I settled on the mad torque rtr from what a horrible time I have had they took my order on the 12/20/13 I payed with debit card money was out of my account with in minutes . I have herd nothing not even crickets from them they have a in house ticket system which I've had no luck with there phone number goes to a recording or is busy they refuse to ansewer me on there facebook page . so if you are looking into anything they sell please becarful take the time to read all the post on there facebook page over the last few months seem there has been a sharp decline in customer service from them as I am not the only one that is having this issue.
Man i do hope they get ur order issue fixed soon!! But it might be an over flow from xmas because i have ordered from them before and didnt have a single issue! Maybe just bad timing!!
so just a update on my issue with still not so much as a email or call from them .but they did have time to take my posts off there facebook page and block me which I found quite funny being that I hade 200 likes and 50 comments exspressing the same issue from other customer . I did hear that since October of this year they seem to have a lot of problem don't know if it was change in opprerations or if they out grew there abilty to provide proper service but please beware . and it appears that there is a pendng refund to my account so atleast there not total scammers.
Glad to hear that is seems they are sorting it out for you with a refund. I was going to suggest Consumerist they have done some pretty good work helping folks with problematic companies.