I know there are a few of us who care or want to protect our intellectual property, our photo's ... ... Do you read 'their' End-user License Agreement (EULA), how often have you just skipped over them !?! Found the following, what sneaky %*$# we have in this world. This got me thinking about my online property, read on ---> QUOTE: The newest horror story comes from a website called UK Expert. If you sign up to their website, and click ‘ok’ on the terms as conditions (Let’s face it – when did you last read the terms and conditions to anything), they are trying to get you to sign over the copyright to your photos. Yikes! ... Cont. HERE ... !!! Indeed, be careful of what you sign !!! [size=1.2em][shadow=grey,left]w00d[/shadow][/size] EDIT: Good to know as in the UK here in Canada no EULA or can circumvent the LAW, in this case the Copyright LAW! [hr]